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Effortlessly grow your business with

Approve Pay_Internex Logo_light

APPROVE Pay is an innovative new virtual trade credit solution offering B2B manufacturers and distributors the ultimate sales enablement solution for equipment, supplies and consumables, while eliminating much of the costs, risks and hassles of offering Net-30 Terms to customers.

We're looking for a few forward-thinking companies to participate in our pilot program - spaces are limited!


APPROVE Pay is fueled by Internex Capital, an award-winning provider of credit decisioning and integrated working capital for growing businesses.

Increase customers and sales

Trade credit is such a popular B2B payment option it equates to a $5.2 trillion market*. APPROVE Pay automates, manages and funds the “Buy-Now-Pay-Later” option your business customers demand so you can stay focused on your core business. APPROVE Pay’s underwriting technology and funding resources can help your business to effortlessly:

  • Attract and retain more loyal customers with a superior trade credit offering

  • Approve more customers for trade credit accounts

  • Grow sales and average ticket sizes by offering larger trade credit amounts


Grow Business-1

*Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 2022

Eliminate trade credit pain points

No Floating

Smarter use of capital

Instead of floating your own money, leverage it in more productive ways.
No Accounts Receivable

AR hassles gone

APPROVE Pay automates and manages your trade credit accounts receivable.
No Risk

Greatly reduced risk

You get paid up front. We take on most of the credit risks associated with unpaid debts. 

How it works

Step 1 - APPLY

Customer applies for Trade Credit on your website plug-in.

Step 1- Apply

Step2 - underwriting


APPROVE Pay underwrites the application and
issues custom credit amounts with your business.

Step 3 - ORDER

Customer places an order on your website and
checks out using APPROVE Pay.

Step3- order

Step 4 Invoice-1

Step 4 - INVOICE

You create an order invoice and receive funds upfront
from APPROVE Pay.

Step 5 - PAYMENT

APPROVE Pay collects payment from customer
30 days later by ACH.

Step5- Payment


Apply today to participate in our
APPROVE Pay pilot program - spaces are limited!

Ready to get started?

Your Virtual Captive Finance program is ready and waiting.